CJC Show Trial Continues Expurgating Prytulak Defense
Lubomyr Prytulak to Mary M Gusella 12-Dec-2005-2005
Gusella's expurgation of ten Prytulak documents raises the reasonable apprehension that she hopes to rely on a continuing suppression of exculpatory material to win an anti-Prytulak decision from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. � Lubomyr Prytulak
Mary M Gusella, Chief Commissioner
Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
344 Slater Street
Ottawa ON K1A 1E1
RE: CHRC File 20031527, Canadian Jewish Congress v Lubomyr Prytulak (CJC v Prytulak)
ATTENTION: The instant 12-Dec-2005 correspondence is for the purpose of further exploring the question of whether the Mary M Gusella request that the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) inquire into the case of CJC v Prytulak was fraudulent and is therefore void, and the related question of whether Mary M Gusella hopes to obtrude into the heart of CHRT proceedings her program of denying Prytulak his right to be heard. |
Mary M Gusella:
Comparing the documents in the 30-Nov-2005 CHRC Disclosure Package to the Ukrainian Archive (UKAR) All Relevant Documents list at www.ukar.org/chrc/chrc.html reveals that the CHRC Disclosure Package is missing at least the ten documents listed below which Lubomyr Prytulak delivered to the CHRC. The four missing documents whose ordinal number and date are in bold, and which have a summary statement added, also appear on the UKAR Key Documents page at www.ukar.org/chrc/outline.html, and constitute the core of the Prytulak defense:
12-Jan-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Mary M Gusella: Muslims are targets of hate propaganda too
Lubomyr Prytulak to Ed Morgan Canadian Jewish Congress Fanaticism Infects the University of Toronto demonstrates that war propaganda is integral to war and that it does incite hatred, whereas the retraction of war propaganda only promotes truth and healing, and that what the CJC denigrates as "holocaust denial" is in reality part of the natural and healthy process of retracting war propaganda.
06-Feb-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Mary M Gusella: I join the boycott of the CHRC hate-messaging unit
Lubomyr Prytulak to Ed Morgan Fine Words Plus Lousy Deeds Equals Hypocrisy argues that Ukrainians are among the Canadians most vilified by hate propaganda, and Jews are among the least; therefore, the CHRC's million-to-one ratio of allocating resources to Jews and Ukrainians should be reversed in favor of Ukrainians. The CHRC, which portrays itself as enforcing equality is in fact Canada's leading practitioner of Charter-prohibited discrimination, of which the CHRC persecution of Prytulak at the behest of the CJC is but a single example.
Lubomyr Prytulak to Mary M Gusella Ukrainian Archive philo-Semitism Encounters a Snarling Rottweiler demonstrates that Jews are UKAR's favored authors, such that Prytulak obviously does not incite disapproval of Jews collectively, but rather sides with those Jewish factions whose goal is to emancipate the Jewish people from that fraction of Jewish leadership which is retrograde and destructive.
21-Feb-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Ed Morgan: Was the decision to ghettoize democratic?
21-Apr-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Ed Morgan: Who was the anonymous caller?
Lubomyr Prytulak to Paul Martin Canadian Jewish Congress Criminal Conspiracy Under The Competition Act poses the rational and legitimate question of whether criminal activity led by the CJC might be fleecing Canadian supermarket shoppers in the order of hundreds of millions of dollars annually, and which opens the question of whether the instant CHRC proceedings are brought not by the Jewish community protesting Prytulak discrimination, but by a CJC leadership desiring to suppress UKAR criticism of its criminality.
28-Oct-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Irwin Cotler: Why does Parliament shun you?
08-Nov-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak to Mary M Gusella: Preparation of Criminal Complaint Against CHRC employees
Mary M Gusella won Commissioner Aimable Ndejuru's anti-Prytulak Disposition Committee vote by excluding all Prytulak facts and arguments from each of the two CHRC Investigator's Reports, and by concealing from Ndejuru the 29-Jul-2005 Prytulak Comment. And now Gusella's expurgation of the ten above Prytulak documents, which include four that are central to the Prytulak defense, raises the reasonable apprehension that she hopes to rely on a continuing suppression of exculpatory material to win an anti-Prytulak decision from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal as well.
Lubomyr Prytulak
Irving ABELLA, National Honourary President, CJC, Dept History, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto ON M3J 1P3
John J CHAMBERLIN, Manager Investigations, CHRC, 344 Slater Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1E1
Hon Irwin COTLER, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, 284 Wellington Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0H8
Phillip CRAWLEY, Publisher and CEO, The Globe and Mail, 444 Front Street West, Toronto ON M5V 2S9
Mark J FREIMAN, CJC lawyer, McCarthy Tetrault, Suite 4700, Toronto Dominion Tower, Toronto ON M5K 1E6
Mary M GUSELLA, Chief Commissioner, CHRC, 344 Slater Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1E1
Rt Hon Paul MARTIN, Prime Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0A2
Ed MORGAN, CJC National President, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 84 Queen's Park, Toronto ON M5S 2C5
Aimable NDEJURU, Commissioner, CHRC, 344 Slater Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1E1 / Commissaire, La Commission de l'Immigration et du Statut de réfugié, Complexe Guy Favreau, 200 boul. René Levesque Ouest, Tour Est, bureau 102, Montréal Québec H2Z 1X4
J Grant SINCLAIR, Chairperson CHRT, Suite A100, Floor 11, 160 Elgin Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1J4
Giacomo VIGNA, CHRC lawyer, 344 Slater Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1E1