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Att. c.c. Mr. Len Rudner |
The Canadian Human Rights Act The "Ukrainian Archive" web-site contains material that is likely to expose members of the Jewish community to hatred or contempt by reason of their membership in an identifiable group, per section 2 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (the "Act"). Specifically, the "Ukrainian Archive" web-site is in violation of section 13(1) of the Act. Our complaint contends that Lubomyr Prytulak and the "Ukrainian Archive" has committed at least four separate violations of section 13 of the Act:
The "thesis" of the "Kosher Tax" section of the web-site is that Jews have secretly imposed a tax on gentile consumers in order to raise funds to "finance anti-Ukrainian calumny." The negative perception of this so-called tax is made clear in Prytulak's own words (emphasis added): "What we have stumbled upon here is a Jewish tax on food which appears to have spread throughout the kitchen to non-food items so as to become a Jewish tax on food plus kitchen products, and from there made its way to the laundry room so as to become a Jewish tax on food plus kitchen products plus laundry products, and from there metasticized [sic] to the medicine cabinet so as to become a Jewish tax on food plus kitchen products plus laundry products plus over-the-counter medications." @ In various places in this section, the "kosher tax" is referred to as "Jewish taxation without Gentile representation" @ and the cumulative effective of this tax is "paying for the bullet with which you are executed." @ "Why is this matter being broached on the Ukrainian Archive? Simply because it has been documented on the Ukrainian Archive that inciting fear and hatred of Ukrainians is an integral part of Jewish culture. The question becomes germane then of whether this incitement is financed at least in part, by a hidden Jewish tax on all Canadians...." @ 2. Holocaust Denial Prytulak states that he does not deny the Jewish Holocaust, as it is a historical fact that the Nazis killed the Jews. But stating this is in no way an affirmation of the historical veracity of the Holocaust, which was the deliberate, state-sponsored attempt by the Nazis to exterminate the Jewish people. All Holocaust deniers concede that the Nazis hated the Jews and that some Jews died, though the numbers they will concede are generally [Len Rudner signature]
reduced by a significant magnitude, and the centrality of the genocide to Nazi policy is ignored. In this "tradition", Prytulak denies the scope of the murder, both in numerical and geographical terms. As he puts it: "my experience pushes me toward the conclusion that the real and tragic history of the Jewish Holocaust has been hijacked by Holocaust fabulists who have perverted it beyond recognition." @ 3. Antisemitic Canards (Cruelty, Disloyalty, Dishonesty) Cruelty Mr. Prytulak states, without proof, that Kosher ritual slaughter is cruel and inhumane. He relies on insinuation to make this claim. This insult is especially grievous, given the many prohibitions that rabbinical authorities have set down through the centuries to ensure that animals are treated humanely and with compassion. Prytulak's "conclusion" is presented below: "In view of the evidence that gratuitous and avoidable cruelty continues to be associated with Jewish ritual slaughter, then it is indeed reasonable to expect that the non-Jewish public would avoid meat identified as kosher, and conceivable even that if more Jews became aware of what their own representatives were doing in the slaughterhouse, that Jews themselves would begin avoiding ritually-slaughtered meat." @ Disloyalty Prytulak places himself in the company of men such as Ernst Zundel, who continuously put forth that it is a strategy of the Jews to malign German culture. Prytulak believes that the Jews have engaged in a deliberate and prolonged policy of "plundering" the Ukraine. Israel and the Jews are represented as plunderers of the Ukraine, slandering the Ukraine with false charges of antisemitism. This motif of Jewish "calumniators" (his term) repeats itself throughout the web-site. [The string "Zundel" never appears on the UKAR web site.] "Why is this matter being broached on the Ukrainian Archive? Simply because it has been documented on the Ukrainian Archive that inciting fear and hatred of Ukrainians is an integral part of Jewish culture."[TAB 2] @ "... A topic not touched upon in Patrick Martin's article, but which I broach here in order to provide a context in which to read his article is that another way of encouraging Jews to immigrate [sic] from Russia and Ukraine, as well as of discouraging them from going back, is to incite and exaggerate Slavic anti-Semitism [sic]. In this way can be explained a number of Jewish actions that otherwise appear to be gratuitous, and yet mysteriously and inexplicably concerted." @ [Len Rudner signature]
Dishonesty/Slander Prytulak advances his argument against those individuals, all Jews, who engage in "calumny against Poland". @ "The gang of ten is Jewish. One notices immediately that all ten of these "calumniators" of the Slavs are Jewish." @ "The really egregious calumniation only comes from Jews." @ ["comes only from Jews" was in the original] "It is not for me to justify why Jews appear so frequently on the pages of the Ukrainian Archive, it is for Jews to explain why no Gentiles can be found whose anti-Slavic calumnies are able to compete with those of the Jews in the gang of ten (or with those in the CBS gang of seven)." @ "why should it be the case that the leading slanderers of the Ukrainians are all Jewish. How can it be that Jewish leaders are so prone to lying and have such palpable intellectual shortcomings, and sometimes even remarkable character defects?" @ 4. Links" to antisemitic web-sites provided by the "Ukrainian Archive" The "Ukrainian Archive" provides links to more than 100 web-sites on a variety of topics. For the purpose of this complaint, we draw attention to two specific categories: Historical Revisionism (i.e. Holocaust denial) and the Middle East. While Prytulak maintains that the "listing of a web-sit...does not necessarily indicate "Ukrainian Archive" agreement with its contents..." it is our contention that these listings are a precise match to the themes that compose the narrative of his web-site. a. Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust b. Institute for Historical Review c. Association des Anciens Amateurs de Recits de Guerre at d'Holocaust [L'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerre et d'Holocauste is the correct citation] d. Campaign for Radical Truth in History e. Radio Islam f. Blacks and Jews g. La Voz de Aztlan h. Jewish Tribal Review @ Remedy Sought The information provided in this document is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis of the "Ukrainian Archive". Rather, our intention is to provide sufficient information to initiate a formal human rights complaint. It is our contention that the antisemitism expressed by Lubomyr Prytulak runs through every element of the "Ukrainian Archive" web-site. We seek the removal of this web-site from the Internet in accordance with sections 13(1) and 13(2) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. [Len Rudner signature]