Lubomyr Prytulak    Letter to Steiger     24Mar93   It turns out that
Below is a covering letter which was included photocopies of the TIME magazine Lviv Rape photograph, the Ukrainian Weekly editorial of 21-Feb-1993, my letter to TIME magazine of 22-Feb-1993, my letter to Jason McManus of 11-Mar-1993, the Danylo Struk letter to TIME published in the issue of 15-March-1993, and the Danylo Struk letter to the Ukrainian Weekly published in the issue of 28-Feb-1993.

The same letter and contents were also addressed to two other people at The Wall Street Journal: Robert L. Bartley, Editor; and Byron E. Calame, Deputy Managing Editor.

The hope was to arouse in The Wall Street Journal the indignation that seemed called for by the provocation, and to elicit some public comment.  However, no hint emerged that such a hope was being fulfilled, and in retrospect--particularly in view of the much heavier barrage or disinformation that Ukrainians would be subjected to in the future--such a hope now strikes me as naive.

March 24, 1993

Paul E. Steiger
Managing Editor
The Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY  10281

Dear Mr. Steiger:

It turns out that the year is not 1945 but 1941, that the city is not Lvov but Lviv, that the country is not Poland but Ukraine, that the girl is more likely to be Ukrainian or Polish than Jewish, and that she has been stripped and humiliated for a Nazi propaganda film and not raped.

Sincerely yours,

Lubomyr Prytulak