Further misuse of the Waiting in Line photograph

January 29, 2001

Irving Greenberg, Chair
United States Holocaust Memorial Council
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW
Washington DC      20024-2126

Irving Greenberg:

I refer you again to the Waiting in Line photograph attributed to your Holocaust Memorial Museum, concerning which my letter to you of 04-Sep-2000 remains unanswered:

Photograph from the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Naked Jewish women, some of whom are holding infants, wait in a line before their execution by Ukrainian auxilliary police.  (October 14, 1942)
Published on the 20th Century History web site with the caption shown above, spelling mistake included, history1900s.about.com/homework/history1900s/library/holocaust/bleinsatz6.htm.

I was taken aback just now to have come across this same photograph in Alexander Donat (Ed.), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, Holocaust Library, New York, 1979, pp. 260-261, accompanied by two captions (one to the left of the photograph, and the other beneath) which give the photograph a radically different interpretation, and indeed which locate it in a different country:

However, this clashing interpretation of the Waiting in Line photograph as being taken at Treblinka is no more credible than the one you offered on the 20th Century History web site, as the Treblinka Memorial grounds are not cut by a ravine, and the Treblinka survivors testifying at the Jerusalem trial of John Demjanjuk made no reference to a ravine, and the model of Treblinka whose photograph was relied upon in the Demjanjuk trial represents Treblinka as flat: www.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/camps/aktion.reinhard/treblinka/images/model.

Encountering two interpretations � two so far that is, and both lacking credibility � of the Waiting in Line photograph creates the impression of the Jewish-holocaust industry cynically assuming that the public can be gulled by disinformation even when that disinformation lacks plausibility, and even when it is self-contradictory.

I would not go to the trouble, as I do here, to question any people's mythology were it not that they use that mythology to shore up a Nazi state (Israel), to attempt judicial murder (John Demjanjuk), and sometimes to succeed in judicial murder (Feodor Fedorenko).

Lubomyr Prytulak