Vladimir Putin: Mounting fear of Black Sea Fleet hand grenades
Letter 24          22-Dec-2004

Vasyl Baziv
"If, God forbid, blood flows, then President Leonid KUCHMA can intervene as a force capable of separating the parties in a civil conflict." � Vasyl Baziv

             22 December 2004

Vladimir Putin, President
4 Staraya Square
Moscow 103132

Vladimir Putin:

It appears that the Kuchma-Putin-Yanukovych plan in support of which you have ordered your Black Sea Fleet to contribute firearms, grenades, and explosives, continues to be feared:

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The government is preparing a terrible scenario for December 27th � Baziv

[22.12.2004 18:30]

[22-Dec-2004 18:30]

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The former deputy head of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, Vasyl BAZIV discloses that on December 27th the government is preparing to fabricate a clash between the followers of the candidates for the Presidency of Ukraine, Viktor Yushckenko and Victor Yanukovych.

�� ������ ������������ �Ͳ��, ��� �� �� ������ � ������������� i�����'� ����� "�������", ��� ����� ������.

As reported by our UNIAN correspondent, Baziv related this in an exclusive interview with the newspaper "Express," which comes out tomorrow.

"���� ������� �� 27 ������ ����� ������i�.  �i� ��������", � ������ �.��Dz�, �������, �� ���������� ������ �i���� �� ����������, �� �����i������ �i����� �i������� �i� ������������� ���� ��������i�".

"They are preparing a new scenario for 27th December.  It is a terrible one" said V.BAZIV, adding that "Yushchenko's opponents have been left with no alternative but to stage a physical clash between the followers of both candidates."

�� ������� �.��Dz��, ������� ������������ ����i������ ��������i� �����i������ ���� �i������� �� ���������� �������i ���� ������.  "����, �� ������� ����, ��������� ����, �� ��������� ����i� ����� ���� ��������� �� ����, ��� ��������� ����� � �������������� �����i��i.  ��� � ������ ������� ��� ������� ������ �i������ ��� ������������ ���������i�.  I ���i ��������� ����� ���� �������: � �� ���� ��� � ������, ���� � �i� ������i ������ ����", � �������� �.��Dz�.

According to V.BAZIV, thanks to reliance on special techniques, inciting such a clash within a confined area is very simple.  "If, God forbid, blood flows, then President Leonid KUCHMA can intervene as a force capable of separating the parties in a civil conflict.  Thus in such an eventuality there will appear to be justification for intervention by special forces.  And then President KUCHMA can say: I can't leave office when blood flows in this country" � predicts V.BAZIV.

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"Whereas the scenario which was to have been implemented following the second round of voting envisioned the use of government force against the people, this scenario will imitate altogether different circumstances: a civil conflict is in progress in Ukraine, and the government intervenes in the noble guise of peacemaker.  This may be the chief plan.  And I will be greatly relieved if it is not realized" � affirms the former deputy head of the Presidential Administration.

�� ����� �.��Dz��, �����i��� ������ �������� ���i� �����, ����� ������������� ��������� �� ����������, ���������, ����� ���� �i�'��.

In V.BAZIV's opinion, preventing such an unfolding of events will be possible "only by directly influencing the President, as for example through his family."




Translated by ukar.org

The world is disappointed to see that Soviet mentality continues to dominate Kremlin thinking, and horrified that the Kuchma-Putin-Yanukovych coalition intends to prolong the Kremlin tradition of shedding Ukrainian blood to promote Russian empire.

Lubomyr Prytulak