Anne McLellan   Letter 14   01-Apr-1998   Jews might attack Jews
April 1, 1998

The Honourable Anne McLellan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Room 360, Justice Building
239 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8

E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Ms. McLellan:

In taking at face value Jewish claims that their primary motive in putting forward Neal Sher as an adviser to Canada's Nazi hunters is the punishment of Nazi war criminals, you may be jeopardizing the physical safety of Canadians.  The new possibility that the passage that I quote below introduces is that the Canadians who may be placed at risk are not only the non-Jewish ones accused of Nazi war crimes � as I have already suggested in my letters to you of December 19 and December 30, 1997 � but Jewish Canadians as well.

The following, then, is from Akiva Orr's Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crises.  Akiva Orr is an Israeli Jew, born in Berlin in 1931, who served in the Israeli Army in 1948, and afterward read mathematics and physics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem:

The [following] incident occurred in 1970, when I was speaking in Scarborough [England] at a fringe meeting of the Liberal Party annual conference.  I explained that the conflict between Israel and the Arab world was essentially a conflict over lands and independence between Jewish immigrants and the indigenous Palestinian population.  Until 1948 Palestine was populated by an Arab majority which was expropriated, exploited, and partially expelled by the Zionist immigrants from Europe.  The immigrant settlers transformed the indigenous majority into a minority discriminated against in its own country, and imposed upon it a discriminatory state apparatus, namely a "Jewish state."  No wonder the natives were restless.  This came as a total revelation to the audience of some 500, who were used to apologetic versions of the Palestine conflict, in which Israel was presented as a small, democratic state created by the Jews who escaped from Auschwitz, a state that made "the desert bloom," and that was beleaguered by the surrounding Arab states for the sheer fact that it was Jewish.

A lively session of questions from the audience followed.  Suddenly someone at the back of the hall stood up and shouted, emotionally: "Israel expelled the Palestinian Arabs in 1948 as a response to the Jews who were expelled from the Arab states.  This amounted to a �population transfer,' which had occurred more than once this century and was a legitimate, if cruel, way of settling minority problems."  I replied that in 1948 Jews were not expelled from countries like Iraq, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, but induced to leave by Zionist emissaries from Israel who often used dirty tricks like throwing bombs into synagogues to create the impression of anti-Jewish persecution to stampede the Jews to Israel.

This answer outraged my heckler even more, and he shouted in an agitated voice: "You are a liar, no Jew ever threw a bomb into a Jewish synagogue."  The audience weren't used to seeing someone denounce a speaker as a "liar."  Being British, they assumed such an accusation was based on solid information capable of withstanding a libel charge.  The ball was now in my court, but having encountered this charge many times before I was well prepared.  I had copies of the Israeli weekly Haolam � Ha-zeh (of 20 April and 1 June 1966) with me, which published details, with photographs, of these events.  Some Iraqi Jews who had become disabled as a result of the bombs thrown by Israeli agents into the Mas-uda Shemtov Synagogue in Baghdad had sued the Israeli government for damages, in Israel.  The government had preferred to settle out of court and pay damages, but the legal exchanges had reached the Israeli press and had been published by some magazines.  When I read out the details of the case from the Israeli magazine all eyes turned back towards my adversary.  I demonstrated convincingly that I was not a liar.  What would he say now?

There was a moment of silence and then he blurted out: "You see, unlike the Arab countries Israel is a democratic state.  You can publish everything in the press there."  The audience burst into laughter; I didn't.  (Akiva Orr, Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crises, Pluto Press, London and Boulder Colorado, 1994, pp. 5-6.)

Among the possibilities which Akiva Orr's statement above brings to mind are the following:

(1) That the violence associated with Jewish affairs may be effected not only by Jewish vigilante groups such as the JDL � as was suggested in the material I quoted in my letters to you of December 19 and December 30, 1997 � but by "Israeli emissaries" as well.

(2) That the violence may be directed not only at accused Gentile war criminals, but also at Jews or Jewish institutions.  Either target achieves the same effect of increasing Jewish cohesion and support for Israel.  Thus, among the warnings that it is incumbent upon you to issue to law-enforcement agencies is that the coming of Neal Sher to Canada may be accompanied by an increased frequency in such acts as the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, the painting of swastikas on synagogues, and perhaps even of violence against Jews, with emphasis on the possibility that the perpetrators of these actions may be Jewish groups or institutions such as the JDL and � most significantly � may be even "Israeli emissaries."

(3) That a further motive for such violence � whether against Jews or against non-Jews accused of Nazi collaboration � may be to accelerate the emigration of Jews from the Former Soviet Union � as, for example, from Ukraine � to Israel.  Violence against Jews in countries such as Canada or the United States serves Israel by encouraging FSU Jews to devalue Canada or the United States as a possible destination for resettlement on account of the volume of anti-Semitic activity that is perceived to take place there; and violence against non-Jews accused of Nazi collaboration within Canada or the United States serves to augment the perception of a large number of anti-Semites within their society.

An increase in the emigration of Jews from Canada to Israel also cannot be ruled out as a motive.

The encouragement of immigration to Israel, by fair means or foul, should never be discounted as a motive in any Jewish-backed or Israeli-instigated activity.  Such immigration was indispensable to the founding of the State of Israel, has throughout the existence of the State been essential to its economic viability, and today more than ever continues to be a precondition of its survival.

(4) That Neal Sher has been put forward by Jewish groups not despite his questionable competence and integrity but because of it.  That is, if the primary purpose of Neal Sher's being introduced into Canada is to increase inter-ethnic tensions, then that purpose is best achieved when his actions are palpably unethical and unprincipled.  That unethical and unprincipled actions will fail to increase the punishment of Nazi war criminals may be beside the point, as the punishment of Nazi war criminals may be only a secondary motive.

(5) That some of the "Israeli emissaries" who threw those bombs into the Baghdad synagogue, or who ordered those bombs to be thrown, or some of the many Israelis who perpetrated any of a large number of other Israeli atrocities, could be resident in Canada today, and might be appropriate targets of war crimes investigations � but that in fact the Canadian war crimes unit is not what its name suggests it to be and so will not pursue them.  Rather, this unit is � at best � a Nazi-war-crimes-perpetrated-by-Gentiles unit, and so does not consider other types of war crimes, and most emphatically not ones committed by Jews.

I remind you that this discriminatory policy appears to be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as specified in my letter to you of 25 February 1998.

I do not have the resources to evaluate the above hypotheses, nor do I have the responsibility.  You do have the resources and you do have the responsibility.  It does not matter that some of the hypotheses may be implausible or have a low probability of being true � my role as a citizen is to bring them to your attention, and your role as Minister of Justice is to prepare for all eventualities, even some that may appear upon first impression to be implausible and improbable.

Most importantly, your role as Minister of Justice requires that you understand the interests of Canadians, and give highest priority to promoting those interests, and not allow yourself to be used as an instrument of foreign powers.

Yours truly,

Lubomyr Prytulak