Leonid Kuchma   Letter 29   07-Aug-2001   Did Sol Littman work for the KGB?
Sol Littman
Sol Littman
"What support did the KGB provide for Sol Littman's anti-Ukrainian activities, and did this support extend to giving Sol Littman money?" � Lubomyr Prytulak

        07 August 2001

Leonid Kuchma, President
vul. Bankivska 11
Kyiv, 252005

Leonid Kuchma:

The role of the Ukrainian diaspora towards Ukraine has traditionally been to work to remove the yoke of Communism from the necks of the Ukrainian people.  For this reason, the Communist dictators who ruled Ukraine viewed the diaspora as an enemy, and worked to discredit it.  As it is now acknowledged by all but Communist diehards that Communist rule was harmful to Ukraine, and that the overthrow of Communism has been an indispensible first step toward redemption, and that thus the diaspora was right all along, the time has come for the present administration of Ukraine to call off its war against the diaspora.

An integral component of the Kyiv administration calling off its war against the diaspora would be to disclose the tactics that had formerly been used in that war � a step analogous to a terrorist group demonstrating its renunciation of violence by turning in its weapons.

Specifically, in Canada Sol Littman has led the effort to discredit the Ukrainian diaspora, and more specifically to engineer such anti-Ukrainian pageants as the Deschênes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals.  At the same time, Sol Littman has defended the use of Soviet evidence in his smear campaigns (as discussed in my letter to him of 20-Oct-1999, Trusting Soviet Evidence), and furthermore appears to have collaborated with one Valery Styrkul of Kyiv (as discussed in my letter to Littman of 25-Nov-1999, Hyperbolizing Sotrudnyk History).

It would be a valuable contribution to demonstrating that your administration had reversed the Ukrainian government's position from viewing the diaspora as an enemy that needed to be discredited to an ally that needed to be supported if you answered the following questions:

  1. Does Valery Styrkul really exist, or was he an imaginary creation of the KGB?

  2. Was Valery Styrkul either a historian or a journalist, as he had alternately claimed, or was he a KGB sotrudnyk?

  3. Who was the real author of Valery Styrkul's letters to the Canadian press?

  4. What was the extent of Valery Styrkul's collaboration with Sol Littman?

  5. What support did the KGB provide for Sol Littman's anti-Ukrainian activities, and did this support extend to giving Sol Littman money?

  6. To what extent can it be said that the Deschênes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals was engineered by the KGB?

Your answers to the above questions would assist observers of Ukraine in judging whether your administration is a disguised continuation of former Communist rule and so is on the side of defending earlier disinformation campaigns, or rather is an administration that has broken with the past, wishes to repudiate former tactics, has set out on a new path of truth and openness, and wishes to replace its historical antagonism against the diaspora with a new spirit of cooperation.

Lubomyr Prytulak