NOTE ADDED 15-FEB-2005 / 6 Adar I 5765:   "He was obsessed with his infallibility, and I cared not a jot for mine.  This, together with my gift for instant recantation, put me at a terrifically unfair advantage." � Don Paterson, Aphorisms, London Review of Books, 03-Feb-2005, p. 24.
POSTED 30-JUN-2004

The 25-Jun-2004 Lubomyr Prytulak letter to Canadian Jewish Congress (Ontario Branch) Executive Director Bernie Farber which was originally posted at this location has been removed because it was based on a Lubomyr Prytulak error brought to his attention in the email shown below which was received 30-Jun-2004 11:50 am Pacific Time.

Lubomyr Prytulak acknowledges that the original posting at this location resulted from his mis-addressing of an envelope to the Canadian Jewish Congress, and that all inferences drawn from Canada Post returning that envelope to him were unfounded.  Lubomyr Prytulak apologizes for his error and for his inferences, and thanks Len Rudner of the Canadian Jewish Congress for bringing the matter to his attention.

Sent by e-mail and courier

June 30, 2004 / 11 Tammuz 5764

Mr. Lubomyr Prytulak

Mr. Prytulak:

It has been brought to the attention of Canadian Jewish Congress Ontario Region (CJCONT) that your web-site, known as the "Ukrainian Archive" now contains an article claiming that Bernie Farber, executive director of CJCONT has committed an 'indictable offense under the Canada Post Corporation Act". This article can be found at the following location: www.ukar.org/farber05.html.

The sum of this article appears to be that Mr. Farber received an envelope (presumably from you) and returned it to you in a manner that is in violation of the Canada Post Corporation Act.

This allegation is, of course, without basis in fact. A simple glance at the image of the envelope that you have posted clearly shows that the letter was addressed to Mr. Farber at 4800 Bathurst Street. In fact, the offices of Canadian Jewish Congress Ontario Region are located at 4600 Bathurst Street. This address appears on our letterhead.

It is of course regrettable that your error resulted in the return of correspondence that should have found its way to our offices. That said, your allegation of wrong-doing on the part of Mr. Farber and/or his associates is both inaccurate and inappropriate. Indeed, such carelessness could raise in the minds of disinterested parties the possibility that your other work is marred by less obvious flaws. That, however, is a matter for your own consideration.

Given the obvious nature of your error, we have every expectation that you will remove this article from your web-site and post an apology to Mr. Farber in its place.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Yours truly,

Len Rudner
Director Community Relations
Canadian Jewish Congress Ontario Region