George Bush  Letter 01  09-Aug-2001  Are you an anti-Semite?
"In order to maintain an American outpost in the Middle East, you are willing to fight to the last Jew." — Lubomyr Prytulak
09 August 2001

George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC    20500

George Bush:

If it was American servicemen who were being blown up in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, then you would evacuate them from the region.  But when it is Jews that are being blown up, you do not evacuate them, but rather give the impression of adamantly opposing their relocation, which leads to the question of whether you place a lower value on Jewish life, and whether in order to maintain an American outpost in the Middle East, you are willing to fight to the last Jew.

It is possible to interpret your reluctance to close the American colonial outpost of Israel to your repugnance at allowing fleeing Israeli refugees to flood the United States.  It cannot be denied that Israelis have become an irrational, violence-prone people that will prove a liability to whatever country they settle in next; however, given that they have become what they are while in the service of the United States, the United States is obligated to offer them sanctuary, no matter how deleterious the consequences.

Your continuing to push Israeli Jews into the furnace of destruction, and your refusal to acknowledge that their service has earned them sanctuary within the United States, could be interpreted as being driven by anti-Semitism.

Lubomyr Prytulak