************************************************************************ Will Zuzak; README96.H25; 1996-08-25, 1999-05-24 ************************************************************************ The Demjanjuk files are now archived (temporarily?) at http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/pakistan/83/demjanjuk/demjanjukfiles.html The author places no restrictions on their use and dissemination in combatting disinformation concerning John Demjanjuk, the Office of Special Investigations in the U.S. and the denaturalization and deportation issue in Canada, provided the source is appropriately acknowledged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY of DEMJANJUK CASE: - In 1975, KGB allegations implied that John Demjanjuk had been trained as a guard in Trawniki and had served at the Sobibor camp during WW2. - In 1976, Israeli witnesses identified Mr. Demjanjuk as being a particularly brutal guard "Ivan" at the Treblinka camp. - In 1981 (Cleveland, Judge Battisti), Mr. Demjanjuk was denaturalized. - In 1986, Mr. Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel. - In 1988, Mr Demjanjuk was convicted and sentenced to death. - In 1993, the Supreme Court of Israel overturned the verdict. - On 22 SEP 1993, Mr. Demjanjuk returned home to Cleveland, Ohio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The initial core of the Demjanjuk files dates to my postings (see ZUZAK001.SUM) to the now-defunct UKRAINE mailing list between 14 SEP and 22 OCT 1993. As explained in DEMANUK.001, the original purpose of these postings was to orchestrate a publicity campaign in North America to encourage the government of Israel to release John Demjanjuk who had been exonerated by Israeli Supreme Court on 29 JUL 1993. Despite the exoneration, he was still being held in prison and was finally deported home to Cleveland, Ohio on 22 SEP 1993 (coincident with posting of DEMANUK.007). Thereafter, the focus shifted to having the denaturalization and extradition rulings by Judge Frank Battisti overturned and to exposing the criminal actions of the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in withholding exculpatory evidence during their prosecution of Mr. Demjanjuk. In this regard, I continued posting relevant material culminating with the long Critique of Wiseman's Report (DEMANUK.011) highlighting the criminality within the OSI. On 17 NOV 1993 (DEMANUK.012) the Sixth Circuit Court ruled that the OSI had perpetrated "fraud on the court" concerning the Demjanjuk case and the Supreme Court of the United States upheld this ruling on 3 OCT 1994 (see DEMANUK.016). As of this writing, Mr. Demjanjuk's citizenship still has not been re-instated and the criminals within the OSI still have not been brought to justice. In the fall of 1995, more controversy arose as a result of Lyndon Larouche using the Demjanjuk case as a prime example of DOJ corruption, Yoram Sheftel's book on the case, and the Schiller Institute hearings on DOJ corruption (DEMANUK.018, 019, 020, 021, 022). Early in 1996, the candidacy of Patrick Buchanan (who had defended Mr. Demjanjuk in the past) for the Republican Presidential nomination triggered a spate of disinformation and hate mongering against Mr. Demjanjuk. (See my rebuttals in DEMANUK.026-027). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY of DESCHENES COMMISSION: - In the fall of 1984, Jewish organizations and individuals orchestrated a propaganda campaign via the mass media that thousands of "Nazi war criminals" were residing in Canada. - In February 1985, the Deschenes Commission was established to examine this question. - In March 1987, the Commission tabled its report. - In August 1987, the Canadian Parliament passed Bill C-71 legislation allowing for the prosecution of alleged war criminals in Canada. - Since that time, several people have been prosecuted under this legislation and have all been exonerated. - Most recently the Canadian Justice Department has changed strategies and has adopted the American strategy of denaturalization and deportation used by the OSI to produce the Demjanjuk fiasco. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To my mind, the Deschenes Commission and its aftermath is just an extension of the American OSI experience. It is a deliberate attempt to subvert the Canadian system of jurisprudence in exactly the same fashion as occurred in the United States. Sadly, the Canadian news media has been complicit in this attempt and has simply refused to inform the Canadian public of the dangers this represents (DEMANUK.009, etc.). The nine DESCHENE.001-->.009 (004 and MUNTER01.REP) files consist of a long critique of the Deschenes Commission Report (DESCHENE.005), my correspondence with Brian Mulroney (DESCHENE.006) and Justice Deschenes (DESCHENE.007, DESCHENE.008) in 1987, as well as letters to Kim Campbell, 17 newspapers and CEC members (DESCHENE.001, DESCHENE.002, DESCHENE.003) in 1993. DESCHENE.010 is a critique of Old Wounds by Troper and Weinfeld. The DESCROCK files provide a running commentary of articles appearing in the Montreal Gazette and other newspapers from late 1993 to the present time concerning the issue of "Nazi war criminals". [DESCROCK.001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007] A spate of articles appeared during the summer of 1996 as justice minister Allan Rock and his apparatchiks continued to attempt to subvert Canada's justice system with their "denaturalization and deportation" strategy. [See DESCROCK.008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013]. The eight CRTC files archive my correspondence with the CRTC and CBC concerning biased coverage by the Canadian news media concerning the John Demjanjuk case and Ukrainian issues. [CRTC.001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008] Further information on the issues will be archived as it becomes available. ************************************************************************ Will Zuzak; README96.H25; 1996-08-25, 1999-05-24 ************************************************************************