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Zuzak GRC Report; Wed., June 07, 2017

WillZuzak.ca > Lily | MoZeus | WiZeus | zuzak20170607GRC.html

(1) Holodomor/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/holodomor2013/holodomor2013.html -- No additions this month.
(2) Ukrainophobia/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/ukrainophobia/ukrainophobia.html -- No additions this month.
(3) Religious Affairs:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/religious/religious.html -- No additions this month.
(4) Video Links:

Anna Yaroslavna: the private life of the Queen of France Телеканал СТБ, 24Feb2014; Anna of Kyiv
The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump - Parts 1 & 2 Zembla, 13May2017; Sander Rietveld [1:22:12]
Killing Pavel OCCRP/Slidstvo.Info, 10May2017; OCCRP [49:30], [2] Paul Niland
Killing Pavel Kyiv Post, 11May2017; Paul Niland

- Journalist Pavel Sheremet was assassinated via a car bomb on the morning of 20Jul2016 in Kyiv. Despite early promises, the Ukrainian investigators have not solved the case. Ukrainian journalists from OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project)  and Slidstvo.info carried out their own investigation to locate a great deal of further evidence that the SBU investigators appear to have deliberately overlooked.They released a documentary of their findings on 10May2017.
- Paul Niland discusses this documentary

- Zembla TV from the Netherlands has produced two 45-minute documentaries
Part 1: The Russians -- identifies some of Donald Trump's links to the Russians/Mafia
Part 2: Lev Leviev -- The King of Diamonds with his Israeli ties to organized crime in Africa.

- Anna Yaroslavna was the middle daughter of the Grand Prince of Kyiv, Yaroslav the Wise (Mudriy), who married  the King of France, Henry I, circa 1052 and established the French royal lineage..

(5) Putin Files:  http://www.willzuzak.ca/cl/putin/putin.html
Yes, GOP leaders were making a joke about Putin and Trump Washington Post, 18May2017; Anne Applebaum

Trump/Russia Ties Found to Go FAR Deeper Than Anyone Imagined Bluedot Daily, 30Apr2017; cpowell, [2] GOP Watchdog, [3] Palmer Report
140 Paths to Putin GOP Watchdog, 17Apr2017; cpowell
Palmer Report on Trump-Russia  Palmer Report, 08May2017; Bill Palmer

- Bluedot Daily, GOP Watchdog and Bill Palmer have been compiling all the links that they can find connecting Donald Trump to organized crime, Russian Oligarchs/Mafia and individual mobsters. These unsavoury people ppear to have deeply infiltrated the Trump administration.

- Anne Applebaum analyzes the transcripts of the conversation on 15Jun2017 amongst several members of the Republican Party discussing Donald Trump's connections to the Russian Mafia. Her article clearly indicates that Mr. Trump is transforming  the United States into his version of "Trumpistan" by utilizing the techniques perfected by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.

(6) Miscellaneous:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/miscellaneous/miscellaneous.html
How Moscow hijacked the history of Kyivan Rus’ Euromaidan Press, 14May2014; Yaroslav Dashkevych, [2] Ukrainian, [3] youtube [21:35, Russian], [4] pdf
Ukraine's Independence Is Still Essential To U.S. Security And Stability Forbes, 19May2017; Victor Rud

- Victor Rud outlines Russia's aggression against Ukrainian statehood starting from the Soviet era until today and warns that the lack of solid American support for Ukraine would lead to further destabilization throughout the world.

- During the 29May2017 Macron-Putin joint press conference ( at 01:19:15) in Versailles, Vladimir Putin referred to Anna Yaroslavna of Kyiv (Queen of France circa 1052) as a Russian princess. The uproar in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora has prompted me to archive an article by Yaroslav Dashkevych (including a video), as well as a book by Christian Raffensperger titled "Reimagining Europe: Kievan Rus' in the Medieval World, 988-1146".

(7)  Oksana Bashuk Hepburn: http://willzuzak.ca/tp/hepburn/hepburn.html  
NATO must offer an ultimatum to Russia -- Get out of Ukraine Ottawa Citizen, 23May2017; Oksana Bashuk Hepburn
MEDIA RELEASE re NATO Summit on 24/25May2017 CG4DU, 17May2017; Oksana Bashuk Hepburn
Canada at NATO Summit in Brussels on 24/25 May 2017 CG4DU, 09May2017; Oksana Bashuk Hepburn

- Very persistently, Oksana Bashuk Hepburn continues lobbying the Canadian government to support Ukraine's ascension to NATO,
and for NATO to play hardball with Vladimir Putin.

(8) Ukrainian Week:  http://ukrainianweek.com/ -- Click on "Eng" for English-language version
http://i.tyzhden.ua/content/photoalbum/2017/05_2017/05/bild/uw/book4.pdf -- No. 4 (108) 28Apr-05May2017
http://i.tyzhden.ua/content/photoalbum/2017/05_2017/22/bild/book5.pdf  -- No. 5 (109) 15-22May2017
http://ukrainianweek.com/Society/193173  -- The good, the bad and the ugly  26May2017, Denys Kazanskyi

(9) Unian News:
https://www.unian.info/ -- Daily English-language news from Ukraine.

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Respectfully submitted,
Will Zuzak, 2017.06.07
In the eyes of God, the soul of your enemy is as important as your own soul