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Zuzak GRC Report; Wed., April 06, 2011

(1) Holodomor/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/holodomor/holodomor.html
Winnipeg Jewish Review declares: A permanent Holocaust gallery, or else Blogspot, 04Apr2011; blackrod
Prof. draws the battle line: Opponents of the CMHR as a Holocaust museum are anti-semites Blogspot, 02Apr2011; blackrod

Nuke the Ukes: the FP preps the nuclear option to save the Holocaust gallery at the CMHR Blogspot, 29Mar2011; blackrod
Museum editorial misleading, uninformed Winnipeg Free Press, 25Mar2011; Lubomyr Luciuk
Gail Asper hits up Sam Katz for your tax money. Will he say No means No? Blogspot, 25Mar2011; blackrod
Poll rejects museum’s plan to set Holocaust apart from other genocides Globe and Mail, 23Mar2011; James Adams
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights  Press Release, 04Mar2011; Peter Goldring, MP

As the 7 articles above illustrate, the controversy over the Canadian Museum for Human Rights continues to rage. The 4 articles by blackrod are really hard-hitting and well worth reading.

(2) Ukrainophobia: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/ukrainophobia/ukrainophobia.html
There were no additions this past month.

(3) John Demjanjuk: http://www.willzuzak.ca/fc/2009/2009.html
Demjanjuk: experts have determined that the evidence of his guilt are false (TSN) Maidan, 04Apr2011; Ok [Ukr, video]
John Demjanjuk turns 91 on 03Apr2011 Munich, 03Apr2011; Vera Busch

KUN calls on Munich judges to display objectivity and humanism Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, 29Mar2011; Volodymyr Manko [Ukr]
Appeal of Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists to the Munich court Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, 29Mar2011; KUN executive [Ukr]
German prosecutors want six years in prison for Ukraine-born Demjanjuk Kyiv Post, 23Mar2011; Christian Kraemer  [Eng/Ukr, comments]
John Demjanjuk, Suspect Nazi Guard, Should Be Convicted: Victim Families
Huffington Post, 23Mar2011; unattributed  [links]
Prosecutors: clear evidence Demjanjuk was at camp  Kyiv Post, 22Mar2011; Associated Press  [W.Z.]
Why is the diaspora silent at this crucial moment?  ePoshta, 18Mar2011, Halyna Mokrushyna [Eng/Ukr]
New "Memorial Center" planned for the Sobibor "Death Camp"
Smith's Report #180, 15Mar2011; Thomas Kues
Svoboda leadership met with John Demjanjuk's lawyer  Svoboda, 07Mar2011; VO Press Agency [Ukr]
Defense for Ukraine-born Demjanjuk asks for more evidence  Kyiv Post, 03Mar2011; Associated Press

The 11 articles posted this past month are becoming more critical of both the intransigence of the Munich court and the lack of involvement of the Ukrainian diaspora in defense of Mr. Demjanjuk. This is illustrated by the 18Mar2011 article by Halyna Mokrushyna and the comments appended to the 23Mar2011 article of Christian Kraemer. However, the political parties Svoboda and the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists in Ukraine appear to be getting involved.

Ulrich Busch informs us that the final court dates for the Demjanjuk trial in Munich are slated for Tuesday 12Apr2011 to Thursday 14Apr2011; Monday 02May2011 to Thursday 05May2011; and Monday 09May2011 to Thursday 12May2011.

(4) John Demjanjuk: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/Demjanjuk2009/Demjanjuk2009.html
There have been no additions this month.

(5) XoXoL:  http://www.xoxol.org/
Dr. Lubomyr Prytulak has placed much Demjanjuk material at
wherein one finds
http://www.xoxol.org/dem/blurb.html  Blurb biography of John Demjanjuk case.
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/forge.html  “Forged and Obliterated”: Demjanjuk signature on Trawniki ID card.

http://www.xoxol.org/traw/photo.html “Who glued Demjanjuk photograph to Trawniki card 1393?”
http://www.xoxol.org/dem/letter-from-death-row.html “Letter from Death Row
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/patterns.html  “Four stamp types, Five stamp patterns”
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/closer.html  “A closer look at a stamp-imprint”
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/dog-eared.html  “Why is the John Demjanjuk photograph dog-eared?”
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/stewart.html  “Larry Stewart’s counter-clockwise solution”
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/bazilevskaya.html  Bazilevskaya’s Revenge
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/streibel.html  The Karl Streibel signature
http://www.xoxol.org/traw/creases.html  Even the creases are wrong

There were no additions this month.                      

Respectfully submitted
Will Zuzak,  2011.04.08

P.S. Apologies for the delay