Huffington Post | 23Mar2011 | unattributed

John Demjanjuk, Suspect Nazi Guard, Should Be Convicted: Victim Families

MUNICH -- Lawyers for the relatives of people killed at the Nazis' Sobibor death camp say evidence shows John Demjanjuk was a guard there and he should be convicted of accessory to murder.

Demjanjuk, who is 90, denies having ever served as a Nazi death camp guard anywhere. He's on trial on 28,060 counts of accessory to murder.

In closing arguments Wednesday [23Mar2011], attorneys representing people whose relatives died in the camp, serving as co-plaintiffs in the trial, said the evidence demands a conviction.

Rolf Kleidermann says he believes one witness who said he trained with Demjanjuk in an SS camp -- even though the witness could not identify Demjanjuk in court.

Attorney Arno Laurent says the defense's contention that an SS ID card implicating Demjanjuk is a Soviet fake "is an absurdity."

[W.Z. On the contrary, the extensive analysis that I have archived at
indicates that this ID card could not possibly be valid. See also the analysis of Lubomyr Prytulak at  and ]