Opening Statements; T000001 - 161; 1987/02/16; Vol. 1
Yitzhak Arad; T000161A - 619; 1987/02/17 - 19; Vol. 1
Pinchas Epstein; T000620 - 945; 1987/02/23 - 24; Vol. 2
Eliyahu Rosenberg; T000947 - 1274; 1987/02/25 - 26; Vol. 2
Eliyahu Rosenberg; T001275 - 1495; 1987/03/02; Vol. 3
Yosef Czarny; T001496 - 1687; 1987/03/03; Vol. 3
Gustav Boraks; T001688 - 1795; 1987/03/04; Vol. 3
Alexander Ish-Shalom; T001796 - 1925; 1987/03/05; Vol. 3
Alexander Ish-Shalom; T001926 - 2089; 1987/03/09; Vol. 4
Chil Rajchman; T002090 - 2374; 1987/03/09 - 11; Vol. 4
Arye Kaplan; T002375 - 2507; 1987/03/11 - 12; Vol. 4
Miriam Radiwker; T002508 - 2676; 1987/03/17; Vol. 9
Miriam Radiwker; T002677 - 2956; 1987/03/18 - 19; Vol. 5
Yaacov Zigelboim; T002957 - 2984; 1987/03/19; Vol. 5
DISQUALIFICATION REQUEST; T002985 - 3005; 1987/03/23; Vol. 5
Martin Kolar; T003006 -3196; 1987/03/23 - 24; Vol. 5
Martin Kolar; T003197 -3267; 1987/03/24; Vol. 6
Martin Kolar; T003268 -3306; 1987/03/25; Vol. 4
Helge Grabitz; T003307 - 3353; 1987/03/25; Vol. 4
Helge Grabitz; T003354 - 3594; 1987/03/26 - 31; Vol. 7
MISSING Grabitz; T003595 - 3915; 1987/03/31 -04/02; MISSING
Wolfgang Scheffler; T003916 - 4300; 1987/04/06 - 08; Vol. 7
Wolfgang Scheffler; T004301 - 4557; 1987/04/08 - 09; Vol. 8
Amnon Bezalely; T004558 - 4719; 1987/04/21; Vol. 8
Amnon Bezalely; T004720 - 5159; 1987/04/22 - 27; Vol. 9
Reinhardt Altman; T005160 - 5174; 1987/04/27; Vol. 9
Reinhardt Altman; T005175 - 5235; 1987/04/28; Vol. 6
MISSING Altman; T005236 - 5291; 1987/04/28; MISSING
Reinhardt Altman; T005292 - 5390; 1987/04/29; Vol. 6
Patricia Smith; T005391 - 5697; 1987/04/30 - 05/06; Vol. 10
Gideon Epstein; T005698 - 5893; 1987/05/07 - 11; Vol. 10
Matityahu Meisel; T005894 - 6176; 1987/05/11 - 13; Vol. 8
Shmuel Spektor; T006177 - 6291; 1987/06/22; Vol. 10
TAV/NUN 1 Submission; T006292 - 6314; 1987/06/23; Vol. 6
Shmuel Krakowski; T006315 - 6527; 1987/06/23 - 24; Vol. 6
Antoine Cantu; T006528 - 6618; 1987/06/25; Vol. 11
TAV/NUN 2 Submission; T006619 - 6657; 1987/06/29; Vol. 11
Sheftel NO CASE; T006658 - 6753; 1987/06/29; Vol. 11
Change of COUNSEL; T006754 - 6783; 1987/07/15 - 20; Vol. 11
Yoram Sheftel; T006784 - 6827; 1987/07/27; Vol. 11
John Demjanjuk; T006828 - 7049; 1987/07/27 - 28; Vol. 11
John Demjanjuk; T007050 - 7655; 1987/07/29 - 08/05; Vol. 12
John Demjanjuk; T007656 - 7705; 1987/08/05 p.m.; Vol. 13
Edna Robertson; T007706 - 8311; 1987/08/06 - 13; Vol. 13
Anita Pritchard; T008312 - 8532; 1987/08/17 - 19; Vol. 14
Avraham Shiffrin; T008533 - 8845; 1987/08/26 - 28; Vol. 14
Rogatories; T008846 - 8903; 1987/10/29; Vol. 14
Nikolai Tolstoy; T008904 - 9448; 1987/11/02 - 05; Vol. 15
Julius Grant; T009449 - 9823; 1987/11/09 - 11; Vol. 16
Goetz Pollzien; T009824 - 9855; 1987/11/12; Vol. 17
Willem Wagenaar; T009856 - 10010; 1987/11/16; Vol. 16
Willem Wagenaar; T010010 - 10443; 1987/11/17 - 19; Vol. 17
Willem Flynn; T010444 - 10727; 1987/11/23 - 25; Vol. 18
Yasar Iscan; T010728 - 11116; 1987/12/14 - 21; Vol. 19
Yasar Iscan; T011117 - 11548; 1987/12/22 - 23; **** MISSING ****
Unknown; T011117 - 11548; 1987/12/28; **** MISSING ****
Yitzhak Almagor; T011549 - 11565; 1987/12/29; Vol. 20
John Demjanjuk; T011566 - 11652; 1987/12/29; Vol. 20
Submission of Documents; T011653 - 11722; 1988/01/11; Vol. 21
Prosecution summation and Rosenberg recall; T011723 - 12308; 1988/01/25 - 28; Vol. 22
Prosecution summation; T012309 - 12751; 1988/02/01 - 03; Vol. 23
Defense summation; T012752 - 12381; 1988/02/09 - 11; Vol. 24