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Zuzak GRC Report; Wed., December 06, 2017

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(1) Holodomor/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/holodomor2013/holodomor2013.html 
Why Stalin Starved Ukraine New Republic, 21Nov2017; David Patrikarakos

- This review by David Patrikarakos of Anne Applebaum's Red Famine is one of the best that I have read.

(2) Ukrainophobia/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/ukrainophobia/ukrainophobia.html
Why Are Taxpayers Funding a Russian Propaganda Concert in Washington? Atlantic Council, 08Nov2017; Diane Francis

- Diane Francis believes that the 13Nov2017 concert at the Washington National Cathedral featuring Russian maestro Valery Gergiev and pianist Denis Matsuev should be canceled, because both performers supported Vladimir Putin’s use of military force against Ukraine.

(3) Videolinks:
http://willzuzak.ca/cl/videolinks/videolinks.html -- No additions this month.

(4) Book Reviews:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/bookreview/bookreview.html
Hollywood Traitors Regnery History, 2015; Allan Ryskind

- Clickable links to the various chapters in a 465-page pdf file of Allan Ryskind's book Hollywood Traitors, as well as a bookreview in excerpt format, have been provided.
A corresponding epub file requires the use of Microsoft Edge and may not operate on some computers.
It is incredible how deeply the CPUSA (Communist Party in the USA) had penetrated the Hollywood film industry during the 1930's and 1940's.
Ronald Reagan became familiar with its influence at that time. When he became President of the USA, Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as the Evil Empire.

(5) Putin Files: http://willzuzak.ca/cl/putin/putin.html
How to Identify the Kremlin Ruling Elite and its Agents Atlantic Council, 13Nov2017; Anders Aslund et al

- Anders Aslund, Daniel Fried, Andrei Illarionov and Andrei Pointkovsky have developed criteria to identify the entities and individuals to be targetted by American sanctions.

(6) Miscellaneous:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/miscellaneous/miscellaneous.html
Gentlemen, stop moralizing about Ukraine, because you left us alone 112.UA, 29Nov2017; Arsen Avakov
The Struggle for Ukraine Chatham House, 18Oct2017; Timothy Ash et al

- Seven experts [James Nixey, James Sherr, Kataryna Wolczuk, Timothy Ash, Janet Gunn, Orysia Lutsevych, John Lough] each contribute a chapter in their field of expertise to compile a 126-page "clickable" pdf file on the subject of Ukraine. An Executive Summary in English, Ukrainian and Russian is also provided.

- Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, wrote a very sharp post, in which he retold the conversation with some European diplomats. During it, Avakov accused Europe of indulging the aggressor. He lists seven steps necessary for peace to return to Ukraine. The Russian-language original is also archived.

(7) Corruption: http://willzuzak.ca/cl/corruption/corruption.html
Collusion Vintage Books, 01Nov2017; Luke Harding

- Published in November 2017, Collusion by Luke Harding is both a background, as well as an up-to-the-minute compilation of the recent developments in the Robert Mueller investigation of Russian "hacking' of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election campaign; and collusion between the Russian intelligence services and the Trump administration. The Table of Contents of the 225-page pdf file is "clickable" and the 35-page pdf file of the "Steele Dossier" is also archived.

Note: We have recently added this category on our WiZeus page to deal with the issue of corruption, which has become pervasive throughout the world. Links to 12 articles on corruption originally archived on the Miscellaneous page are also provided.

(8) Ukrainian Week:  http://ukrainianweek.com/ -- Click on "Eng" for English-language version
http://i.tyzhden.ua/content/photoalbum/2017/11_2017/16/1/%D0%9A%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B011.pdf  No. 11 (117) 10-17Nov2017
http://ukrainianweek.com/Society/205088 -- Moving right along -- 04Dec2017, Volodymyr Zablotskyi

(9) Unian News:
https://www.unian.info/ -- Daily English-language news from Ukraine.

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Respectfully submitted,
Will Zuzak, 2017.12.06
In the eyes of God, the soul of your enemy is as important as your own soul