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Zuzak GRC Report; Wed., July 05, 2017

WillZuzak.ca > Lily | MoZeus | WiZeus | zuzak20170705GRC.html

(1) Holodomor/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/holodomor2013/holodomor2013.html -- No additions this month.
(2) Ukrainophobia/Genocide: http://www.willzuzak.ca/tp/ukrainophobia/ukrainophobia.html -- No additions this month.
(3) Religious Affairs:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/religious/religious.html -- No additions this month.
(4) Video Links:

Nazi dreams of an enslaved Ukraine Euromaidan Press, 23Jun2017; Timothy Snyder [31:50] + Q&A
The Princess of Discord: Anna of Kyiv Krytyka, 22Jun2017; Christian Raffensperger
Rhea Clyman - Jars Balan Presentation UJE, 25Mar2017; Jars Balan [52:59], [2] Julie Masis

- Jars Balan, while researching North American newspapers during the 1932-1933 time period for references to the Holodomor, ran across a large number of articles in many newspapers by a previously-unrecognized female journalist of Jewish ethnic origin by the name of Rhea Clyman, who witnessed the famine-genocide in the fall of 1932.

- The article by Christian Raffensperger on Anna of Kyiv compliments the two articles on the Kyivan Rus’ issue that I posted in my last GRC Report.

- Timothy Snyder emphasizes that the real reason for Hitler attacking the Soviet Union on 22Jun1941 was to colonize Ukraine and enslave/exterminate the Ukrainian people.
[In my opinion, this article/video is a must-read/view by all people, who wish to understand the realities of World War Two in Ukraine.]

(5) Book Reviews:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/bookreview/bookreview.html
THE UKRAINIAN NATIONALIST MOVEMENT CIA, 01Oct1946; Declassified 2001/09/03

- The CIA Report from 1946 on the Ukrainian Independence Movement is an interesting historical document, which includes the following introduction:
The following deals with several groups and organizations which, although not homogeneous, together comprise what may be called the Ukrainian Nationalist [Independence] Movement. Whether these groups operate in the homeland or in exile in Europe and the Western hemisphere; whether they are of socialist, democratic, monarchist or fascist persuasion; whether they agree on methods, policies and tactics, or whether they are engaged in internecine, factional struggles, they all stand for an independent Ukrainian state. With astonishing tenacity these groups have clung to their national ideal for the past half century. All of them have survived the Second World War, none of them have given up either their hopes, machinations and intrigues, or their factionalism. They are unified only through their concept of Ukrainian independence and in the face of their common enemies.

(6) Miscellaneous:  http://willzuzak.ca/cl/miscellaneous/miscellaneous.html
How An Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab for Cyberwar WIRED, 20Jun2017; Andy Greenberg
The case of Viktor Medvedchuk New Eastern Europe, 07Jun2017; Taras Kuzio

- How and why Ukrainians still allow Viktor Medvedchuk to operate in Ukraine on behalf of Vladimir Putin is a mystery.

- The implications of the Andy Greenberg’s article in WIRED are frightening. Although it is long and difficult reading for people not familiar with computer terminology, it provides us a peak into possible future cyber attacks on our infrastructure.
[If you are computer-illiterate, you could ask your children or grandchildren to explain!]

(7) Ukrainian Week:  http://ukrainianweek.com/ -- Click on "Eng" for English-language version
http://i.tyzhden.ua/content/photoalbum/2017/06_2017/12/bild/uw/%D0%9A%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B06.pdf -- No. 6 (110) 05-12Jun2017
http://ukrainianweek.com/Economics/195251 -- Diversifying from Russia: Don't stop now...  23Jun2017, Oleksandr Kramar

(8) Unian News:
https://www.unian.info/ -- Daily English-language news from Ukraine.

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Respectfully submitted,
Will Zuzak, 2017.07.05
In the eyes of God, the soul of your enemy is as important as your own soul