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Zuzak GRC Report; Wed.,
November 06, 2013
> Lily
| MoZeus
| WiZeus | zuzak20131106GRC.html
(1) Holodomor/Genocide:
Contextualizing the Holodomor Conference, Toronto, 27/28Sep2013 CIUS, 15Oct2013; Mykola Soroka
The Holodomor Symphony World Affairs, 08Oct2013; Alexander Motyl
UN fact-finder arrives in Canada to survey concerns of Aboriginal Peoples CTV News, 06Oct2013; Steve Rennie
Steve Rennie reports on the fact-finding mission of James Anaya on
behalf of the UN Human Rights Council to ascertain the sociological and
economic conditions of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Links to the
2001 Truth Commission Report spearheaded by Rev. Kevin Annett and the
more recent article by Pamela Palmeter of relevance to the issue are
- Alexander Motyl reports that a young Austrian composer,
Stephan Maria Karl, is writing a symphony about the Holodomor in
Ukraine in 1932-1933.
- Mykola Soroka of CIUS has provided a concise summary of the Holodomor Conference held in Toronto on 27/28Sep2013.
- Share the Story: Commemorating
the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor
is being archived at http://www.sharethestory.ca/
These are short 3 minute video excerpts of interviews of 80 survivors
that highlight various aspects of the Holodomor from a personal
perspective. Transcripts of these videos are provided in the English,
Ukrainian and Russian languages.
The annual Holodomor commemorations are scheduled for Saturday
23Nov2013 in many Ukrainian communities across Canada and around the
world. People are encouraged to display a lit candle in the windows of
their home at 19:33 hrs and to extinguish it at 19:53 hrs (to coincide
with the death of Stalin). Edmontonians are encouraged to attend
the moleben at Edmonton City Hall starting at 12:30 PM on 23Nov2013.
(2) Ukrainophobia:
Anti-Semitism in the Ukraine and Elsewhere in Europe American Thinker, 03Nov2013; Michael Curtis [W.Z.]
Michael Curtis resurrects deep-seated, hate-mongering Ukrainophobia
in referring to Mila Kunis, the Ukrainian word zhyd and the
Svoboda party of Ukraine. The issue was discussed many months ago in
nine articles archived in the Ukrainophobia directory. For example, see
the comments appended to the article by Yulia McGuffie in the Kyiv Post on 05Dec2012.
(3) John Demjanjuk:
- There have been no additions this month.
(4) Religoius Afffairs: http://www.willzuzak.ca/cl/religious/religious.html
Appeal of the Churches and Religious Organizations to the Ukrainian people IPC, 30Sep2013; Religious Leaders in Ukraine; [2] Metropolitan Volodymyr [Ukr]
Ukrainian Branch of Moscow Patriarchate Backs Kyiv’s European Course Window on Eurasia, 02Oct2013; Paul Goble
On Monday 30Sep2013, Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
of the
Kyiv Patriarchate, Metropolitan Volodymyr of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, and Supreme Archbishop Svyatoslav of
the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, along with seven other Ukrainian
religious leaders, issued an appeal to the Ukrainian people supporting
Ukraine’s European choice. Surprisingly, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
of the Moscow Patriarchate (led by Metropolitan Volodymyr) backs
Ukraine’s decision to pursue closer ties with the European Union even
at the expense of links with Moscow. Paul Goble discusses the
implications of this appeal on the Russian Federation and Putin's
aspirations to resurrect the Russian Empire in the guise of the
Eurasian Union.
(5) Video Links:
- There have been no additions this month.
(6) Book Reviews: http://www.willzuzak.ca/cl/bookreview/bookreview.html
Nazi War Crimes, US Intelligence and Selective Prosecution at Nuremberg Michael Salter (2007)
- The Nuremberg War Crimes
Trials commencing on 20Nov1945 are a perfect example of the "Victors wreaking Vengeance upon the
Vanquished". They highlighted the atrocities of the Germans, but
ignored the atrocities committed by the "Allies" -- British, American,
Soviet. They condemned torture utilized by the Germans, but were silent
about the torture used to obtain "confessions"
from accused Germans. They decried the genocidal German policies
directed against Jews, Poles, Ukrainians and other "inferior" ethnic
groups, but condoned the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Germans, Poles,
Ukrainians, Tatars and other "traitorous" ethnic groups occurring at
the very time that these Trials were being held. In my opinion, the
Nuremberg Trial process was just a continuation of the Stalinist Show
Trials of the 1930s, where all the accused "confessed" to being
"enemies of the people".
- The first five chapters are devoted to the legal immunity
for three high-ranking Nazi officials (Wolff, Dollmann and Zimmer)
extended by Allen Dulles and William Donovan of the OSS.
- Chapter 6
describes the Hollywood-like production and showing of the "Nazi Concentration Camps"
- Chapter
7 describes the work of Walter Rothschild, Franz Neumann and other OSS
personnel, who started gathering evidence of German atrocities long
before the end of WWII.
8 describes the growing estrangement between
Judge Robert Jackson and OSS head William Donovan, which culminated
with Donovan abandoning and then condemning the Nuremberg Trial process.
(7) Ukrainian Week:
Ukrainian Week English language [Archive]
- Visit this site to keep up with recent developments in Ukraine.
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Respectfully submitted,
Will Zuzak, 2013.11.06