Fear, ignorance motivate hate crimes
Letters to Editor After reading your confused and rambling article titled "Fear, ignorance motivate hate crimes" in the Aug. 14, 1999, issue of the London Free Press, I would strongly urge you to seek professional help to alleviate your fear and ignorance. Your state of mind appears to be as confused as that of Buford Furrow, whom you claim to have a history of mental illness. Although you state that "the Internet is loaded with sites and chatlines dedicated to hate", it would be more correct to say that our society is loaded with journalists, politicians and interest groups dedicated to the promotion and exploitation of this emotion. Just look at our TV programs, newscasts, newspapers and magazines: the Bill Clinton scandal; the demonization of Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic to justify the bombing of civilian targets; the pro and anti-abortion advocates. These are all done from the perspective of hate and vengeance. Evil begets more evil. If you truly wish to stem the tide of hatred enveloping our society, then start preaching the very simple message of Jesus Christ: love and forgiveness. Love thy neighour - your enemy, as well as your friend. Please do not condemn people who have succumbed to what you have wrought.
Respectfully submitted |