Ottawa Sun | 29Jun2011 | Orest Slepokura

Human Rights Time Machine

Re: “Albertans can dump kangaroo court,” Ezra Levant, June 28, 2011:
In H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine we find a society divided between Morlocks, brute cannibals, and the Eloi, genteel flower children, with the first stalking the second. Imagine now a spinoff tale of Morlocks hauling an Eloi before a human rights panel to complain of the hurt feelings they endured from his depictions of their tribe as brute cannibals. Truth having little probative value before such kangaroo courts, the Morlocks would surely win their suit, receiving a large cash award and an abject apology from the defendant. Such being the typical outcome of cases brought before any of our so-called human rights commissions. Abolish them, I say!

Orest Slepokura
Strathmore, Alberta

(Well said. These days we are all at risk of being Elois at the hands of the HRCs.)

Edmonton Sun | 29Jun2011 Orest Slepokura

There oughta be Eloi

Re: “Albertans can dump kangaroo court,” Ezra Levant, June 28, 2011.
In H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine we find a society divided between Morlocks, brute cannibals, and the Eloi, genteel flower children, with the first stalking the second. Imagine now a spinoff tale of Morlocks hauling an Eloi before a human rights panel to complain of the hurt feelings they endured from his depictions of their tribe as brute cannibals. Truth having little probative value before kangaroo courts, the Morlocks would surely win their suit, receiving a large cash award and an abject apology from the defendant.

Orest Slepokura

(True, unfortunately.)