Ottawa Sun | 09 May 2010 |Orest Slepokura
Porn promoting
Re: “Mandated Cancon smut,” Michael Coren, (May 8, 2010): In the film
Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Diane Keaton plays a morbidly promiscuous girl
who frequents the New York bar scene. Her partners include a
pot-bellied oaf with whom she has joyless sex in a seedy motel room
alongside a TV set tuned to a porn channel. While they perform her
partner keeps his eyes glued on the TV screen in order to “enhance” his
tawdry experience. In that context, the typically proud boast that he
or she is a “sex machine” is both tragic and pathetic. Porn transforms
people into robotic, mechanical dolls. That the CRTC should promote it
is bureaucracy run amok.
Orest Slepokura, Strathmore, Alta.
(With the government
regulating porn, we can only assume it will arrive late, and