Debate over targeted killings ...

From: Eugene Harasymiw
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 8:58 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Anton La Guardia's "Debate over targeted killings intensifies..." (National Post, July 26, 2002)

Dear Editor:

Reporter Anton La Guardia, in his balanced article, quoted "one [Israeli] official" as stating that, despite the outrage erupting over civilian casualties (including 9 children who perished in their beds), the state of Israel will continue targeted operations. That official is quoted as adding: "It's a choice between typhoid and cholera. But what else can we do?" Hence, the message to the world: understand Israel's plea that they have no effective choice in the matter.

However, the same voices who rely on this line of justification for what are clearly criminal acts vociferously insist that, in relation to Canada's current bogus "war crimes" trials, those "implicated" in the Nazi treatment of Jews during World War II had a free choice -- dismissing as they do obvious physical threat or force of circumstance. We are asked to swallow yet another double standard at the hands of those whose morality, credibility and honesty must seriously be questioned.

Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.
Chair, Civil Liberties Standing Committee
Alberta Ukrainian Self-Reliance League
Edmonton, Alberta