UCC meets Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Mississauga - On June 25, 2002, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the Honourable Denis Coderre, met the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), represented by UCC President Eugene Czolij and UCC Justice Committee Chair Paul Grod, in Mississauga, Ontario. During the meeting, a brief was remitted to the Minister explaining UCC's position concerning the government's policy on Denaturalization and Deportation.

At the outset, the UCC stated that Canadian citizenship should not be revoked half a century after it was granted and that Denaturalization and Deportation proceedings against Canadians who obtained their citizenship fifty years ago are unjust and inappropriate.

Moreover, the UCC reiterated its position that in cases where evidence of individual criminality is uncovered, the Government of Canada should prosecute such individuals before Canadian courts of criminal jurisdiction in accordance with Canadian criminal law and Canadian standards of evidence in criminal proceedings. The UCC also affirmed that since Denaturalization and Deportation proceedings are merely immigration proceedings, they do not address the issue of war crimes.

The result is a three pronged injustice:

1. an injustice to the individuals accused since the immigration process does not provide an opportunity for full answer and defence;

2. injustice to the victims of Nazi oppression since Canada is not bringing war criminals to justice but rather pushing the burden on someone else; and

3. injustice to 6 million Canadians who were born outside Canada as this process creates a dual class system of citizenship.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Minister mentioned that he would consider these issues further and expressed his willingness to continue the dialogue with the UCC concerning Canadian citizenship and the government's policy on Denaturalization and Deportation.

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June 28, 2002

Fredrick D. (Rick) Mantey
Acting Executive Director
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
(204) 942-4627
(204) 947-3887 (Fax)
[email protected] (E-mail)