CG4DU | 28Jun2016 | Oksana Bashuk Hepburn [04:06]
Ukrainian Generals use
military helicopters to
conduct business in Africa
Published on 28 Jun 2016
Remarks by Oksana Bashuk Hepburn, Toronto, Canada, 28 June 2016. Oksana
is a former executive with the Government of Canada, president of a
management consulting firm, a co-founder of the Canadian Group for
Democracy in Ukraine and an international opinion writer focusing on
- Nadiya Savchenko is the most heroic symbol Ukraine has produced
during this difficult time
- 0:35
Savchenko should be given space and time. People are criticizing her.
Savchenko requires good advisors, good mentors
- 1:55
Poroshenko made no changes to Ukraine's military
- 2:15
Corruption in Ukraine's Military: Ukrainian generals using Ukrainian
helicopters for personal business interests in Africa
- 3:00 Ammunition, weapons on the black market
Canadian Group for Democracy in Ukraine
Groupe Canadienne pour la Démocratie en Ukraine
Канадськa група сприяння демократії в Україні
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