CG4DU |28Jun2016 | Oksana Bashuk Hepburn [05:39]
Canada must find a way for Ukraine to join NATO at
Warsaw Summit 2016
Published on 28 Jun 2016
Remarks by Oksana Bashuk Hepburn, Toronto, Canada, 28 June 2016. Oksana
is a former executive with the Government of Canada, president of a
management consulting firm, a co-founder of the Canadian Group for
Democracy in Ukraine and an international opinion writer focusing on
- Warsaw NATO Summit 2016 (Варшавський саміт НАТО 2016)
- Task Force: Increase officer training, soldier training, military
equipment support, Canada must establish a task for to lead NATO and to
find a way for Ukraine to join NATO because that is the most important
- 0:40
If Russia does not like something that means it is good for Ukraine and
the West. If Russia likes something, then it is bad for Ukraine and the
West. Russia does not want an enlargement of NATO
- 1:10
Canadian government must lead NATO. Canada is well positioned to find a
way for Ukraine to join NATO
- 1:30
Canada should send a battalion to Ukraine
- 2:00
CF-18 fighter jets in Iraq
- 2:20
Corruption in Ukraine's military prevents ascension to NATO
- 2:40 PM Trudeau is going to Ukraine with someting from NATO
- 3:10
Russian President Putin is chiding Canada
- 3:48
- 4:14
Ukraine is the bulwark for Europe and global peace and security
- 4:27
We're in a difficult situation globally because of Russia's involvement
in Syria, Iran, China, and Africa. Russia is a dangerous player on the
global scene
- 4:52
Canada has the capacity to help, Canadian defense, CSIS, Canada's
security apparatus
Canadian Group for Democracy in Ukraine
Groupe Canadienne pour la Démocratie en Ukraine
Канадськa група сприяння демократії в Україні
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