Irwin Cotler | Feb. 01, 2004 | Eugene Harasymiw
Demand response to Jan. 01, 2004 letter

February 1, 2004     Faxed to: (613) 992-6762

Hon. Irwin Cotler
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
900, Justice Bldg.
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

Dear Sir:

On January 1, 2004 your constituency office was faxed the attached two-page letter concerning the denaturalization and deportation process. Also attached is the response of your Constituency Assistant dated January 27, 2004.

I cannot believe any person acting on behalf of a sitting Cabinet Minister could be so condescending, uninformed and ignorant. By stating that our letter "has been forwarded to the appropriate department in Ottawa," the writer of that letter displays an appalling level of incompetence. It is precisely you as Minister of Justice who oversees the prosecution of these innocent individuals.

In light of your crazed and irresponsible comments quoted in Canadian newspapers on January 6, 2004 (Ukrainian Christmas Eve, no less) about pursuing a "war on impunity", it is obvious our letter never reached its intended recipient. Also in view of the Ontario Superior Court's decision in Oberlander, the time has come to scrap this disgraceful, vengeful and un-Canadian policy.

We demand your immediate response.

Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.
Ukrainian Self Reliance League
Edmonton Branch

Paul Martin, Prime Minister   Fax: (514) 367-5533
Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition   Fax: (403) 253-8203