National Post | Dec. 22, 1999 | Eugene Harasymiw
Frank Ellis article (Dec. 22, 1999)

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December 22, 1999     Faxed to: (416) 383-2439

National Post
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Dear Editor:

Dr. Frank Ellis’ penetrating article “These great brains are guilty of stupidity” (Dec. 22, 1999) should, you would think, evoke very serious questions about a whole range of issues associated with criminal activity committed by out-and-out traitors. But, not one of them will be prosecuted. So say the respective government officials of nations where these treacherous vermin reside. Apparently, the underlying dichotomy has escaped notice. Why is it that, where Western governments have gathered and possess sufficient evidence to prosecute, they refuse to do so; yet, where Western governments have been fed false “evidence” by totalitarian thugs, as is the case with denaturalization and deportation of World War II “war criminals,” they dutifully bend the rules to accommodate political lobbies howling for vengeance? Whose hand do we see at work here?

Yours truly,

Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.