Madeleine Albright | May 08, 1999 | Eugene Harasymiw
James Rubin remarks

11024 - 82 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 0T2
ph. (780) 431-9855; fax (780) 457-5170

May 08, 1999

The Honorable Madeleine Albright
U.S. Dept. of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20520

Re:CNN Late Edition, May 02, 1999 - James Rubin remarks

Dear Madame Secretary:

On behalf of our 1,000 members in the Province of Alberta, Canada, let me express our profound displeasure at remarks made by Mr. Rubin of your department on the above noted program aired May 02, 1999. For those who harbor the illusion that Mr. Rubin's remarks about "Ukrainians running around with guns" are not offensive or worthy of Mr. Rubin's immediate dismissal, perhaps they could explain their reaction if a State Depatment official had, under similar circumstances, made the remark about "Israelis running around with guns". Does that make our position a little clearer?

Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.
fax (780) 457-5170