This directory and its two subdirectories contain documents from the
2001 denaturalization trial. This includes the full transcripts dated
29May2001 to 07Jun2001 in the transcripts2001 subdirectory. The
contents of the trawniki1393 subdirectory are explained in its Introduction.
We have segregated these documents into these two subdirectories to
facilitate serious researchers of the John Demjanjuk case to have easy
access to this material. It is possible that further materials will be
added in the future.
Many people have examined the Trawniki ID 1393 card and most of these
researchers concluded that the card was, indeed, a fake. We have
previously written on this issue. [1], [2], [3], [4]
It is our intention to analyze the material in this directory to further confirm our earlier conclusions.
Will Zuzak, 2001.02.25