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UkeTube | 29Jan2013 | Wasyl Sydorenko  [4:10]

Religious Spheres and Ukraine

Wasyl Sydorenko highlights three religious spheres: Roman Catholicism, Byzantine Orthodoxy, and Russian Orthodoxy, and illustrates how their influence reach Ukraine, on behalf of The Brotherhood for the Revitalization of Ukrainian Orthodoxy in Canada, Toronto, Canada, 27 January 2013 (Василь Сидоренко, Братство для оновлення українського православ'я в Канаді, Торонто, Канада, 27 січня 2013).

Wasyl Sydorenko is President CUPE 1230, Reference Specialist University of Toronto Libraries, Toronto, Canada.

- Political aspects that affect the Ukrainian nation in the religious sphere. The exercise demonstrates how, unlike any other nation in Europe, Ukrainians find themselves in the most conflicted area of church politics.
- Map of Europe. Map of Vatican. Map of Ukraine. Map of Russia 0:44
- Sphere of influence of old Rome and Roman Catholicism (Rome, Italy) 1:00
- Sphere of influence of new Rome and Byzantine Orthodoxy (Constantinople) 1:10
- Sphere of influence of third Rome and Russian Orthodoxy (Moscow, Russia) 1:22
- Most historic portion of Ukraine, right-bank Ukraine, is in the centre of these three intersecting spheres. The political influences of the three Romes: the Vatican, Constantinople, and Moscow, have turned Ukraine into a battleground of who will win that territory (Ukraine). Situation has existed for one thousand (1,000) years 1:35


Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew I
(Константинопольський патріархат Варфоломій I)
(Константинопольська православна церква)

Sign our petition to Remove the Moscow Patriarchate from Ukraine at:

Target: His All - Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, Kirill I of Moscow, Патриарх Кирилл