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U.S. Army War College | 22Mar2017 | Colonel Douglas Mastriano

Project 1721

W.Z. In 1721 Muscovy became the Russian Empire as explained on page xvi by Col. Mastriano:
The Great Northern War lasted until 1721, with various Swedish and Russian victories and defeats. Yet, Russia broke Sweden’s power in the Baltic region. The war ended in 1721 with the Treaty of Nystad where Sweden gave up its Baltic territories to Russia. The 1721 Treaty of Nystad made Russia a European power, placing it in a position to influence not just the Baltics, but also Scandinavia and Eastern and Central Europe. Seizing on the new strategic environment achieved by this victory, Czar Peter moved his capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg, formally establishing the Russian Empire. The designation of St. Petersburg as his capital was a pivotal moment that symbolically declared that Russia was looking toward Europe.

[... 206-page pdf file ...]

Brief Synopsis

Since its occupation of Crimea, Russia has adopted an aggressive and often belligerent approach to the nations on its borders. The on-going war against Ukraine and its occupation of large portions of Georgian territory demonstrates this increasingly hostile foreign policy. However, far more dangerous to the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the Kremlin's use of a strategy of ambiguity. In this, Moscow keeps hostilities at a low boil, leveraging a Russian diaspora, a web of complex information-campaign-trolls, to stir ethnic unrest that has the potential to destroy NATO and end the unparalleled post-World War II peace experienced in Europe. Yet, there are actions that the United States and NATO can take to prevent Russian aggression from turning into a war and Project 1721 provides the answers to this complex and dangerous security dilemma.

U.S. Army War College (USAWC) Contributors and Researchers...................................xiii
Preface and Historic Context...............................................................................................xv
Putting a Price on Blood and Allies: America’s Commitment to the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alliance.......................................................xix
Russia’s Sword of Damocles..............................................................................................xxv

Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse: Putin’s Complex Application of
    Russian Strategic Landpower.............................................................................................1
    Putin’s Complex Application of Russian Strategic Landpower ........................................3

Chapter 2: European Security and Russian Expansionism....................................................11
    European Security, Russian Expansionism, and Cyberwar ..............................................13

Chapter 3: The Crisis in Ukraine: Russian’s War to Control the Soul of
    Ukraine Crisis: Testing the Security and Stability of Europe and Beyond........................19
    The Conflict in Ukraine: Its Implications on Armed Forces Development.......................23

Chapter 4: Russia and the Baltic Nations..............................................................................29
    Putin’s/Russia’s Objectives in the Baltics..........................................................................31
    Latvia in the Crosshairs: Russian Information Warfare and Countermeasures ................37
    Baltic Bastion!?..................................................................................................................43

Chapter 5: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the
    New Russian Strategic Environment.................................................................................49
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Understanding and
        Sustaining Its Relevance to the United States ..............................................................51
    Back to Business: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and
        Its Concept of Collective Defense ................................................................................63
    Will the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Survive
        the New Strategic Environment? ..................................................................................73
    Can Cyber Trigger Article 5 of the Washington Treaty? ..................................................79

Chapter 6: A New North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Approach:
    The Very High Readiness Task Force (VJTF)...................................................................83
    Deterrence, Provocation, or Assurance: Is the North Atlantic Treaty
        Organization’s (NATO’s) Very High Readiness Task Force (VJTF)
        the Right Answer? ........................................................................................................85

Chapter 7: Adapting Policy to the New Russia ....................................................................97
    Adapting U.S. Policy Toward the New Russia.................................................................99

Chapter 8: Vanquishing the Sphinx.....................................................................................109
    Vanquishing the Sphinx: Answering the Hard Questions Facing the Baltics..................111

Chapter 9: The Way Ahead and Recommendations ...........................................................125
    Five Smooth Stones: How the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
        Can Deter the “Goliath” Russian Threat to the Baltics...............................................127
    Final Thoughts and Recommendations ..........................................................................137


[... 206-page pdf file ...]