Deportation of a Canadian Citizen from Canada

Thu, 22 Mar 2001
From: "M. Prytulak"
To: [email protected]

The Hon. Elinor Caplan:

Hopefully you will be kind enough to explain to me why, without the due process of law, Mr. Wasyl Odynsky, a 76-year-old exemplary citizen of Canada for more than half a century, father and grandfather of his numerous Canadian descendants and a contributing, highly-respected and beloved member of his community is being deported? Even though the 103 page decision of the Hon. Judge Andrew MacKay clearly states that:

1. Mr. Odynsky only "on the balance of probabilities" probably "knowingly concealed material circumstances." (Please note: "circumstances" and not criminal activities!)

2. Mr. Odynsky has not "participated in killing and harming prisoners". (In what other criminal activities - punishable by a permanent banishment from his adopted Homeland - was he involved, then?)

3. Mr. Odynsky's alleged unknown services with the military units which allegedly committed war crimes (half a century ago and half a world away from Canada!) "was not voluntary". (To paraphrase it, he was either a prisoner or a slave.)

I cannot help wondering what kinds of punishments the Canadian-born citizens would face, were they accused of identical "crimes"? Hopefully they wouldn't be as harsh and cruel as Mr. Odynsky's for his, to put it bluntly, are truly vulgar and obscene.

Thanking you for your attention and looking very much forward to your earliest reply.

Sincerely yours,

Myroslaw Prytulak.