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Action Ukraine Report | 19Nov2011 | Morgan Williams


An International Newsletter, The Latest, Up-To-Date
In-Depth Ukrainian News, Analysis and Commentary

Ukrainian History, Culture, Arts, Business, Religion, Economics,
Sports, Government, and Politics, in Ukraine and Around the World


3 p.m., National Press Club and 5:30 p.m., U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF), Washington, D.C.



National Press Club "AFTERNOON NEWSMAKER" News Conference

Featuring Nigel Colley on his book 'More Than A Grain of Truth: the Biography of Gareth Jones'
Monday, November 21, 2011, 3 p.m., National Press Club (Zenger Room)
529 14th Street, N.W., 13th Floor, Washington, D.C.

Author Nigel Colley (grand nephew of Gareth Jones) from the UK will discuss his book 'More Than a Grain of Truth: the Biography of Gareth Jones', a Welsh journalist who took on the media elite and the Soviet government to expose an artificial famine that killed from 6 to 10 million people in Ukraine and neighboring areas in l932-33. The book details how Jones defied Soviet censors and military to get into Ukraine, visited ghost towns and interviewed survivors and other witnesses.


No RSVP is necessary, everyone is welcome. For additional information contact Oksana Yakovenko (U.S.-Ukraine Foundation), (202) 223-2228 (tel), [email protected].


NOTE:  We have just been informed that Nigel Colley's mother, Margaret Siriol Colley, died yesterday in the UK.  Siriol spent most of her time the last 13 years in cooperation with her son Nigel, telling the world about the HOLODOMOR and Gareth Jones and about Gareth's role in exposing the tragic events in Soviet Ukraine in the spring of 1933.  We have lost a great friend in Siriol.  Nigel has decided to go ahead with his presentations in Washington, D.C. before returning home. 


Nigel is sure his mother would have wanted him to continue to tell the story of the HOLODOMOR and Gareth Jones, a story Siriol and Nigel have dedicated so much time and effort to over the past years. Our sincere condolences to Nigel and the family.  Siriol and Nigel have made a great contribution to the efforts to tell the world about the Holodomor.  I first discovered the website they created in the year 2000, www.GarethJones.org and contacted them.  We started working together and I quickly passed the word around about their discovery of Gareth's historical documents and their work in creating the website.  We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their outstanding work. Morgan


Presentation by Nigel Colley, "Gareth Jones: A Man Who Knew Too Much"

November 21, 2011 at 5:30 p.m., U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF)
One Thomas Circle NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20005

The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) in cooperation with the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) invites you to meet Nigel Colley and to attend his presentation 'Gareth Jones: A Man Who Knew Too Much', followed by a reception. Nigel Colley is a great nephew of Gereth Jones; editor of 
www.GarethJones.org, and publisher of 'More Than a Grain of Truth: The Biography of Gareth Richards Vaughan Jones'.  The presentation will be at 5:30 p.m., Monday, November 21, 2011 at the offices of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) in Washington, D.C.

In 1933, Gareth Jones was a young investigative journalist who risked his life and reputation to take on Stalin and Walter Duranty to expose a man-made famine in Ukraine that killed countless millions. Jones was only 28 years old when he went to Moscow as a stringer and defied Soviet censors and military to trek into Ukraine, visiting ghost town after ghost town, interviewing survivors and other witnesses. In 2009, Cambridge University produced a successful exhibit of Jones diaries, covered here by The Times of London.

RSVP: please contact Oksana Yakovenko at 
[email protected]. or (202) 223-2228.  Space is limited.

Mr. E. Morgan Williams, Editor, Action Ukraine Report (AUR)

Director, Government Affairs, Washington Office, SigmaBleyzer,
Emerging Markets Private Equity Investment Group;
President/CEO, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
"A strong international voice for business in Ukraine"
1300 I Street, N.W., Suite 720W, Washington, D.C. 20005
Mobile in USA: 202 437 4707.  
[email protected]; www.usubc.org


An International Newsletter, The Latest, Up-To-Date
In-Depth Ukrainian News, Analysis and Commentary
Ukrainian History, Culture, Arts, Business, Religion, Economics,
Sports, Government, and Politics, in Ukraine and Around the World

           The White House, Washington, D.C., November 19, 2011



Office of the Press Secretary



November 19, 2011


Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukrainian Holodomor Remembrance Day


As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence -- a testament to the spirit and determination of the people of Ukraine -- we also remember the suffering they endured seventy-eight years ago during the catastrophic famine that has come to be known as the Holodomor – the “death by hunger.”  This terrible tragedy, created by the intentional seizure of crops and farms across Ukraine by Joseph Stalin, was one of communism’s greatest atrocities.  Today, Americans join with the people of Ukraine and Ukrainians around the world in remembering those who suffered and died senselessly as a result of this manmade famine.


In the wake of this brutal and deliberate attempt to break the will of the people of Ukraine, Ukrainians showed great courage and resilience.  The establishment of a proud and independent Ukraine twenty years ago shows the remarkable depth of the Ukrainian people’s love of freedom and independence. 


The United States values the friendship between our peoples and offers our deepest condolences on this solemn occasion.  As we remember this tragedy, we recommit ourselves and reaffirm our shared determination to prevent similar tragic acts from ever happening again.




Офіс прес-секретаря


Для негайного розповсюдження

19 листопада 2011 року


Заява прес-секретаря на День пам’яті українського Голодомору


У той час як ми відзначаємо 20-у річницю незалежності України, що стала проявом сили духу та рішучості народу України, ми також згадуємо страждання, пережиті ним 75 років тому під час катастрофічного голоду, який став відомий як Голодомор, тобто "смерть від голоду". Ця жахлива трагедія, що сталася в результаті навмисного захоплення врожаю і господарств по всій Україні Йосипом Сталіним, була одним з найбільших злочинів комунізму. Сьогодні американці приєднуються до народу України і українців по всьому світу, щоб згадати всіх, хто постраждав і безневинно помер внаслідок штучно організованого голоду.


Перед лицем цієї брутальної спланованої спроби зламати волю народу України, українці продемонстрували велику мужність і стійкість.  Створення гордої незалежної держави Україна двадціть років тому свідчить про неабияку глибину любові українського народу до свободи і незалежності.


Сполучені Штати цінують дружбу між нашими народами і висловлюють свої глибокі співчуття з цього сумного приводу. Поминаючи цю трагедію, ми знов зобов’язуємося і підтверджуємо нашу спільну рішучість не допустити будь-коли повторення таких трагічних подій.

Mr. E. Morgan Williams, Director, Government Affairs,
Washington Office, SigmaBleyzer,
Emerging Markets Private Equity Investment Group;
President/CEO, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
"A strong international voice for business in Ukraine"
1300 I Street, N.W., Suite 720W, Washington, D.C. 20005
Mobile in USA: 202 437 4707.  
[email protected]; www.usubc.org