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Blogspot | 28Nov2011 | blackrod
The Canadian Museum for Human
Rights has a new villain---Christianity
For a brief moment, the Canadian
Museum for Human Rights dropped its public mask and revealed its true
The national
moneypit's biggest shill, CEO Stuart Murray, travels the country to put
a happy face on the private Holocaust museum that was foisted on the
public as the first "national museum" built in 40 years. Its backers,
the Asper Family, realized they couldn't afford it without a pipeline
into the public purse, so they tweaked the idea by folding the concrete
Holocaust museum into a vague, undefined promotion of "human rights" in
order to win a "national" patina for the project.
Murray still can't exactly define what the $310 million CMHR will be,
other than it will have two permanent exhibits---one for the Holocaust
and the other for Canada's alleged mistreatment of its natives.
Here's how a professor described the museum's mandate in a lecture at
the Fort Garry Hotel in October:
"Murray emphasized the
museum’s inclusivity and that it invited open-ended critical dialogue
and debate on the part of visitors. Implicit throughout his talk was
that educating about human rights was about respecting individual
differences and differences based on group identities, and getting
people not simply to tolerate differences in others but to respect and
to value those differences."
Get it? Stu Murray is going around telling people the museum won't be
pushing any absolutes. It will, instead, invite differences of opinion
and treat all opinions as worthy of discussion.
That's the public face of
the CMHR. In private, among friends, it shows its true face.
The University
of Manitoba recently held a conference on immigration to Canada.
Its theme was "positioning the rights of immigrants and refugees into
the human rights agenda around the world." Among the speakers was
Armando Perla, curator for the CMHR who would, the convention was
promised, be telling " stories of some of the more than 700,000
refugees offered protection in Canada since the Second World, and of
those denied entry, including war resisters, queer refugees and Romani
refugees from Eastern Europe."
The Winnipeg
Free Press, the propaganda arm of the CMHR, reported his address
slammed door on
Museum curator remembers
those who weren't allowed into Canada
By: Carol Sanders
"While Canada's proudly welcomed 700,000 refugees since the Second
World War it has silently kept the door shut on certain groups over the
years, says the curator of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights."
"It has been a little bit quiet about the people we don't allow,"
Armando Perla told a conference at the University of Manitoba Thursday.
But Perla was the the setup for another speaker, immigration
lawyer David Matas who launched into a political attack on the
Conservative government in Ottawa.
"If history's taught the world anything, it's that human
rights and refugee protection go hand in hand, said lawyer David Matas.
"If you say no to refugees, you're saying yes to the
violation of human rights," he said...
When Jews in Hitler's Germany and other parts of
Europe were in danger, countries like Canada and the U.S. wouldn't take
them, said Matas...The Nazis could see that the world didn't care about
what happened to the Jews, and that sent the signal they could get away
with genocide, said Matas. Doing nothing for refugees eventually
resulted in the slaughter of six million people, he added.
When countries don't act, they're complicit in refugee
persecution, he said.
"Today we shake our heads. It was obvious the Jews needed
protection from the Nazis." That kind of hindsight hasn't improved the
vision of countries that champion human rights today, said Matas.
Prime Minister
Stephen Harper recently condemned plans to hold a summit in Sri Lanka
because of the country's human rights record. But Canada has failed to
offer protection to Tamil refugees who fled Sri Lanka, said Matas.
His punchline...
"The message to the Sri Lankan government is 'Go ahead and
mistreat the Tamil minority -- we don't care,' " said Matas
Now this politicization of a university conference could be overlooked
if Matas was simply a private lawyer.
But the FP failed to
mention his
deep and influential connection to the CMHR.
Matas was on the controversial Content Advisory Committee
which was established in January 2009 to travel the
country and consult Canadians.
“We are eager to begin a dialogue with the public on their expectations
for the Museum,” said then CEO Patrick O’Reilly on the formation of the
CAC. “Canadians have interesting stories and unique perspectives on
human rights, and we look forward to including these in the Museum.”
The museum had already, almost a year earlier, sent the government a
report from its Ministerial Advisory Committee containing a table on
how Canadians ranked the subjects they wanted addressed in the museum.
Aboriginal issues was at the top with 16 percent, then Genocide with
14.8 percent, then women, internments, war, and the Holocaust sixth
with 7 percent.
By the time the Content
Advisory Committee got through with it, the priorities of the CMHR
reflected a very different Canada.
The Holocaust was now at the top of the list and worthy of its very own
gallery. The rest of the world's genocides were deposited in a grab-bag
gallery that could be labelled Other.
So a curator for
the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and a member of the Content
Advisory Committee show up at a conference to attack the federal
government and its immigration policies. Hmmmm.
You know, that looks a lot like taking sides rather than listening to
all points of view.
No wonder. Listening to all sides sounds so good in a speech, but
that's the exact opposite of what the museum's supporters believe in.
Whenever they get a chance, like the U of M conference on
immigration, they prove they are as biased as anyone.
And the bias is the standard left-wing, anti-conservative lean you
would expect from a prominent backer of the Liberal Party like Gail
The real purpose of the
CMHR is to serve as a left-wing think tank that will attack
conservative principles and policies under the cloak of non-partisan
concern for human rights.
They have demonstrated absolutely no commitment to a diversity of
opinion on any issue, nor will they.
When the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, backed by a variety of ethnic
organizations across Canada, challenged the primacy of the Holocaust in
genocide exhibits at the CMHR, the backers of the museum didn't engage
in discussion. They invented vile accusations of anti-semitism and
accused the Ukrainian community of being Nazi sympathizers to shut them
Last week was the fourth annual National Holodomor Awareness Week, when
Ukrainians remember the mass starvation of their countrymen in the
Thirties by Communists in Russia.
The UCC believes the genocidal polices of the Communists deserve equal
attention to the genocidal policies of the Nazis in a "national museum"
that's funded by all Canadians.
The Asper-led museum
proponents believe otherwise, but, with their slanderous accusations
of anti-semitism failing to scare off their challengers, they've made a
few changes to their argument.
They used to argue
that it was the Holocaust that sparked the human rights movement in the
world. It was such a proven fact, they said, there was no need to
debate it, Stu Murray notwithstanding.
But then scholars started coming forward to challenge their
version of the truth. We wrote about one such comment:
He's not alone.
John Lukas is a well-respected American historian with more than 30
books to his credit, among them The Hitler of History (1997). In
Chapter 6, The Jews: Tragedy and Mystery, he wrote:
"That the cruelties
visited upon the Jews in Europe
were due to Hitler was obvious enough both during and after the war, so
no special attention
was directed to their causal and effective connection by profession or
popular historians for a relatively long time. Of course,
documentary materials became available only gradually after 1945
(though more rapidly than after any previous great war), but there was
more to this. There
seemed to be no general, or popular, interest in the Holocaust for many
years---indeed, for about two decades. The very word
"Holocaust" did not begin to appear in American (or English) usage
until the late 1960s."
Instead of stimulating debate and discussion the way Stu Murray would
have us believe the CMHR intends, the Asper-led museum proponents
launched a vicious attack on anyone who dared to present facts contrary
to the CMHR world view.
But there appears to be some softening of their position. Note this
story on the CBC website about a film showing at the Rady Jewish
Community Centre this month.
Tarbut festival
celebrates the gamut of Jewish culture
Posted by Alison Gillmor,
CBC reviewer
The film "The Rescuers" makes a persuasive argument that because the
Holocaust is so meticulously documented and studied, it can demonstrate
how genocide operates.
The film also addresses a question that keeps coming up in Winnipeg
with the opening of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Why a
permanent Holocaust exhibition? The Rescuers makes a persuasive
argument that because the Holocaust is so meticulously documented and
studied, it can demonstrate how genocide operates.
The argument was echoed in a lecture delivered at the Fort
Garry Hotel by Lionel Steiman, a Professor of History at the University
of Manitoba and one of the signatories to a letter that
accused Ukrainian critics of the CMHR of being anti-semites and Nazi
"There is a consensus
among experts that the Holocaust is the most
thoroughly documented and exhaustively studied mass atrocity in
If that was all of it, they would have a pretty good argument for
highlighting the Jewish Holocaust--- in a gallery dedicated to the
study of genocides throughout history.
But Steinman included a sinister twist.
"The problem is that to
provide even a minimal understanding of how this vast process evolved
would require far more time and space than CMHR could possibly give to
it. It
would have to convey at least some idea of the Christian roots of Jew
and how it permeated European culture high and low; it would have to
show that what we condemn as “antisemitism” was not a “prejudice” but
the common sense of people everywhere, openly expressed at all levels
of society everywhere."
"Antisemitism was a
necessary cause of the Holocaust. CMHR’s
initial plan for a Holocaust gallery didn’t mention antisemitism,
and would have considered the persecution of Jews only in Germany --
where only 5% of Jewish Holocaust victims came from. Fortunately
gallery designers have moved beyond this, possibly in
response to a critique from Dr. Catherine Chatterley, Winnipeg’s
foremost academic authority on the Holocaust. They have
now re-framed their Holocaust presentation so as to provide necessary
historical background, and ensure that the “lessons”
they draw are related to actual particularities of Holocaust
Apart from the unintentional comedy of referencing Catherine Chatterly,
Winnipeg's self-appointed
"foremost academic authority on the Holocaust", the
professor reveals a disturbing shift in the museum's approach to the
He says they now intend to highlight the historic
anti-semitism of
Christianity as the root cause of the Holocaust.
So let's get this straight.
The taxpayer is paying for a museum that divides Canada's ethnic
communities, opposes free speech, provides cover for Liberal attacks on
the government, and now blames Christianity for the Holocaust.
Well Merry Christmas to you, too.
Labels: CMHR,
Free Press, Gail Asper, Holodomor, UCCLA