Alberta Report | Jul. 07, 1999 | Eugene Harasymiw
“Annie, get your funds”

11024 - 82 Ave.
Edmonton, AB T6G 0T2
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July 7, 1999       Faxed to: 486-1690

The Editor
Alberta Report
17327 - 106A Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T5S 1M7

Dear Editor:

Re: “Annie, get your funds” (A.R., June 28, 1999)

Will Gibson’s article accurately identified no fewer than 4 events directly involving Justice Minister Anne McLellan which point conclusively to her underhandedness, incompetence and lack of integrity. Timing of the article narrowly missed yet another major blunder by her -- mishandling of the British Columbia courts’ decision on possession of child pornography.

But Ms. McLellan’s gaffs do not end there. Her promotion of the policy of denaturalization and deportation of so-called war criminals, and the egregious tactics employed by her department’s prosecutors, well documented in Kirk Makin’s Globe and Mail article (Feb. 20, 1999), stirred the general public’s awareness. Come the next federal election, that same public will realize just in time the extent to which Ms. McLellan’s actions have brought our system of justice into abject disrepute. By then it will be too late for her lobbyist supporters to save her. Count on it.

Yours truly,

Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.
day phone: 422-8781
day fax: 457-5170
E.mail: [email protected]